deep - A Neural Networks Framework
This package provides a layer oriented way of creating neural networks, the framework is intended to give the user total control of the internals of a net without much effort. Use classes like PerceptronLayer to create a layer of percetron neurons, and specify how many you want. The package does all the tricky stuff internally leaving you focused in what you want. I wrote this package during a neural networks course to help me with the problem set.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.95 score 6 stars 2 scripts 154 downloadsasciichartr - Lightweight ASCII Line Graphs
Create ASCII line graphs of a time series directly on your terminal in an easy way. There are some configurations you can add to make the plot the way you like. This project was inspired by the original 'asciichart' package by Igor Kroitor.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.54 score 7 stars 247 downloads